Plenty of sheep on Islay and sometimes they need to be herded, here two farmers on their quadbikes with their dog are collecting them from a field at Ballitarsin.
Plenty of sheep on Islay and sometimes they need to be herded, here two farmers on their quadbikes with their dog are collecting them from a field at Ballitarsin.
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This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
Good morning with a picture of herding sheep at Ballitarsin, Isle of Islay islay.org.uk/2021/11/12/her…
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This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
Herding sheep at Ballitarsin (2), Isle of IslayWhile it’s the second picture shared here it’s actually from before the other herding sheep at Ballitarsin picture. A farmer rounding up their sheep on a quadbike.
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