A wonderful walk on Islay’s neighbour Jura, Evans Walk crossing the island from just past the three arched bridge to Loch Tarbert. This view is looking west, towards Glen Batrick.
A wonderful walk on Islay’s neighbour Jura, Evans Walk crossing the island from just past the three arched bridge to Loch Tarbert. This view is looking west, towards Glen Batrick.
A panoramic view of the entrance to Loch Tarbert on the west coast of Jura. Loch Tarbert stretching out into the distance right of centre. Glenbatrick Lodge towards the right, with Glen Batrick off picture towards the right. The Atlantic on the left with Colonsay on the horizon. Taken during a great day out on Evans’ Walk.
A nice view on the return leg on my day out on Evans’ Walk on Jura, a view up Glenbatrick River with a lone tree beside it.