Barnacle Geese at Rockside Farm, Isle of Islay Posted on 31 March 2013 by Armin Grewe A large flock of Barnacle Geese from the many thousands wintering on Islay lifting of from a field at Rockside Farm. Share this picture:EmailWhatsAppTwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrLinkedInReddit You might also like these pictures:
I wish they would clear off to their homeland so we can sow our spring barley for Bruichladdich distillery Reply ↓
Hopefully the cold weather isn’t stopping them for much longer and they will soon be gone to let you get back to business. Reply ↓
@islayblog Great image Armin, possibly not so great for the distillery. Thanks for bringing your blog to my attention. Reply ↓
@YoorWullie you’re welcome. Distillery can cope, but certainly causes problems for the farmers and their livestock Reply ↓
I wish they would clear off to their homeland so we can sow our spring barley for Bruichladdich distillery
Hopefully the cold weather isn’t stopping them for much longer and they will soon be gone to let you get back to business.
@islayblog Great image Armin, possibly not so great for the distillery. Thanks for bringing your blog to my attention.
@YoorWullie you’re welcome. Distillery can cope, but certainly causes problems for the farmers and their livestock
@islayblog That’s a pity. Migration probably well timed