Barnacle Geese over Loch Gruinart and Killinallan, Isle of Islay Posted on 18 March 2015 by Armin Grewe A sunny view from the new hide at RSPB Gruinart, looking out towards the dunes at Killinallan. Barnacle Geese flying past having been spooked by something. Mull (with Ben More) and Colonsay also just visible in the haze in the distance. Share this picture:EmailWhatsAppTwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrLinkedInReddit You might also like these pictures:
RT @islayblog: Good morning with a picture of Barnacle Geese over Loch Gruinart and Killinallan, Isle of Islay… Reply ↓
RT @islayblog: Good morning with a picture of Barnacle Geese over Loch Gruinart and Killinallan, Isle of Islay… Reply ↓
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RT @islayblog: Good morning with a picture of Barnacle Geese over Loch Gruinart and Killinallan, Isle of Islay…
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RT @islayblog: Good morning with a picture of Barnacle Geese over Loch Gruinart and Killinallan, Isle of Islay…
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