Calling Curlew, Isle of Islay Posted on 5 July 2015 by Armin Grewe Spotted in a field near Ballinaby, a Curlew standing on a fence post, calling out loudly before flying off into the field. Share this picture:EmailWhatsAppTwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrLinkedInReddit You might also like these pictures:
RT @islayblog: Good evening with a picture of a calling Curlew, Isle of Islay… Reply ↓
RT @islayblog: Good evening with a picture of a calling Curlew, Isle of Islay… Reply ↓
RT @islayblog: Good evening with a picture of a calling Curlew, Isle of Islay… Reply ↓
RT @islayblog: Good evening with a picture of a calling Curlew, Isle of Islay…
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RT @islayblog: Good evening with a picture of a calling Curlew, Isle of Islay…
RT @islayblog: Good evening with a picture of a calling Curlew, Isle of Islay…
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my favorite bird. mostly the call it makes.
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