Cottage on Texa off Islay

Picture of a cottage on a small island next to a larger islandIn this view from the ferry to Port Ellen it looks like this cottage is on Islay, in reality it is on the small island of Texa just off the south coast of Islay. It’s not occupied any more but to my knowledge still in reasonable shape and occasionally used.

41 thoughts on “Cottage on Texa off Islay

    • Hi. My parents Bill and Mary Flewett reconstructed the cottage on Texa and lived there intermittently until 1996. Do you know who owns the island now? I would love to visit and see the cottage again. Alice

      • I’m afraid I don’t know who owns it now. But if you can arrange transport I think visiting it shouldn’t be a problem. I know many kayakers visit it regularly and sometimes even stay overnight (in tents, not in the cottage)

  1. How far is it from Islay coastline to Texa. I would like to kayak there with my 11 year old granddaughter

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