Saligo Bay October sun rays, Isle of Islay

Picture of sun rays breaking through clouds over a coast with rocks and beach
Saligo Bay October sun rays, Isle of Islay

An October afternoon on the west coast of Islay, the sun breaking through the clouds over Saligo Bay in various places, sending sun rays down to the sea.

22 thoughts on “Saligo Bay October sun rays, Isle of Islay

  1. Really good images of the sunbursts & really like the pics of Saligo.

    I grew up in Port Charlotte/ Portnahaven but I’m now about a million miles away in Texas but cant wait to walk those shores again! I love being outside and everyday is truly different.

    The weather here is crazy, changing from day but you just cant feel it the way you do in the Isles nor hear the call of the land when you walk it (i think some of you will know what i mean).

    Best wishes to all and have a dram for those not there!

    Kind regards,


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