June evening sun at Saligo Bay, Isle of Islay


Picture of a low June sun over a beach flanked by rocks and dunes
June evening sun at Saligo Bay, Isle of Islay

Some beautiful June evening sun on the west coast of Islay, despite an approaching cloud bank (it moved through later, briefly blocking the sun). Looking out from between the dunes at the southern end of Saligo Bay, with the beach and the Atlantic stretching out into the distance.

Close wave splash in Saligo Bay, Isle of Islay


Picture of an incoming wave breaking over some low rocks at a beach, sending spray up in the air
Close wave splash in Saligo Bay, Isle of Islay

I was slightly nervous waiting to take this picture, as of course the waves were unpredictable and I didn’t want to get me and more importantly my camera soaked with salt water. But I managed to stay dry and get this shot of a wave rolling up the beach in Saligo Bay and breaking over the rocks near the southern end, throwing spray high up in the air.

June gloaming from Four Winds, Isle of Islay


Picture of a varied coast in the summer gloaming just after sunset
June gloaming from Four Winds, Isle of Islay

The sunset wasn’t terribly exciting (notice the clouds on the horizon), but at least the gloaming as seen from Four Winds turned out rather nice with some beautiful colours. The view is north west with Lag Mhòr on the left and the Currie Sands at Claddach in the middle distance towards the right.