The follow up picture to the incoming waves and foam between rocks at Saligo Bay picture posted previously. The wave has fully come through between the rocks (you can just make out the rock on the left. I did get wet feet, but somehow managed to keep the camera dry.
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This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
Good morning with a picture of an incoming wave and foam at Saligo Bay, Isle of Islay islay.org.uk/2023/01/09/inc…
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This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
Wow! What a picture
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Worth the (unplanned) wet feet
I’m surprised only your feet got wet
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This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
This Image was mentioned on brid.gy
Watching incoming waves from some Saligo Bay rocks, Isle of IslayWatching the waves in Saligo Bay can be challenging, as they can catch you out and give you wet feet or more. So for these I decided to try to avoid getting wet feet (again) and climbed on top of some rocks where I felt safe enough from incoming waves. Taken on a November afternoon on the west coast of Islay with clouds having moved in after a promising afternoon.
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