Young dog fetching seaweed on Corran Sands (2), Isle of Jura


Picture of a young dog playing fetch with some seaweed on a beach
Young dog fetching seaweed on Corran Sands (2), Isle of Jura

Sometimes there are no sticks to hand, so you have to improvise. And for this young dog on the Corran Sands on Jura it made no difference, it was happy to play fetch with some seaweed.

Corran Path Sonic Playground panorama, Isle of Jura


Panoramic picture of the Corran Path Sonic Playground on the Isle of Jura
Corran Path Sonic Playground panorama, Isle of Jura

A very nice detour when walking along the Corran Path at the Corran Sands on the Isle of Jura: The Corran Path Sonic Playground. Created by Giles Perring you can play on a Batphone and a Xylophone, made from metal and plastic pipes. Great fun to play on and creating your own musical masterpieces.