Smooth rock on Port Ban beach, Isle of Islay


Picture of a smooth rock on a small beach at a sea loch, some mountains in the distance on the other side
Smooth rock on Port Ban beach, Isle of Islay

A sunny November view from the small beach at Port Ban on the Rhinns of Islay, looking out over Loch Indaal with the Paps of Jura and Islay House in the distance.

Paps of Jura, Loch Indaal lighthouse an₫ Islay House


Picture of a coastal view with some mountains, a lighthouse and a stately home
Paps of Jura, Loch Indaal lighthouse an₫ Islay House

On a clear view one of the best views on Islay, the view from the Rhinns of Islay across Loch Indaal. Here we take in three landmarks, the Paps of Jura, Loch Indaal lighthouse and Islay House (from left to right, obviously?)