Colourful flowers along River Sorn in Bridgend Woods, Isle of Islay


Picture of a small river flowing between a woodland and flower meadow
Colourful flowers along River Sorn in Bridgend Woods, Isle of Islay

A June walk through Bridgend Woods, walking out through the colourful flower meadows along the River Sorn. Later I returned along the Claggan Strip.

Path through the Claggan Strip (Bridgend Woods), Isle of Islay


Picture of a narrow path through some lush green woodlands
Path through the Claggan Strip (Bridgend Woods), Isle of Islay

It turned out rougher than expected in places, but the walk along the path through the Claggan Strip in Bridgend Woods was still nice in the June sunshine. Some beautiful light streaming through the lush green.

Three villages around Loch Indaal seen from above Daill, Isle of Islay


Picture of a wide view over a sea loch with three villages on the shore, seen from a hill above some woodlands
Three villages around Loch Indaal seen from above Daill, Isle of Islay

A view south west from above Daill, looking aross Bridgend Woods out over Loch Indaal. Bowmore on the left on this side of the loch. In the distance below Beinn Tart a’Mhill on the Rhinns of Islay you can make out Port Charlotte. Towards the right Bruichladdich with the distillery warehouses.