Distant raptor in front of Mull’s Ben More, seen from Gruinart, Isle of Islay


Picture of a bird of prey in flight in front of a distant mountain
Distant raptor in front of Mull’s Ben More, seen from Gruinart, Isle of Islay

A view from the RSPB Loch Gruinart reserve on Islay, looking over to Colonsay (middle distance) and the Isle of Mull with Ben More (far distance). A bird of prey, I believe a Buzzard, in flight above the shore of Loch Gruinart.

Two Whooper Swans in front of Killinallan Point, Isle of Islay


Picture of two Whooper Swans in flight over the mouth of a sea loch, dunes behind them
Two Whooper Swans in front of Killinallan Point, Isle of Islay

Watched from the RSPB Loch Gruinart bird hide using a strong telephoto lens, two Whooper Swans at the mouth of Loch Gruinart with Killinallan Point behind them. The Isle of Mull in the distance.