A view from the Loch Indaal Way coastal path on the Rhinns of Islay: Loch Indaal lighthouse right in front of us. On the left the Mull of Oa with the American Monument. And in the distance Ireland. Of course not all of it, just a tiny part of it. But still.
Spectaular views. I spent a lot of time on Malin Head and Inishowen Head, north coast of Donegal, Ireland earlier this year. With affordable binoculars, we could just make out the Laphroaig Distillery (a long whitewashed building) on Islay. It was pure joy. It’s too bad there’s not enough demand to take ferries from Moville, Donegal, (a regular destination from Oban), or from Rathlin Island to Islay. We’d have to gather a good number of seabird enthusiasts to make it work.