A view east from near Dunyvaig Castle at Lagavulin. Ardbeg (not visible) is just around the corner on the left. The Southern Skerries in the distance towards the centre of the picture with mainland Argyll in the far distance on the horizon.
A view east from near Dunyvaig Castle at Lagavulin. Ardbeg (not visible) is just around the corner on the left. The Southern Skerries in the distance towards the centre of the picture with mainland Argyll in the far distance on the horizon.
A view of the ruin of Dunyvaig Castle on the south coast of Islay with the island of Texa in the background. Taken on an overcast July day.
A sunny October afternoon at the south coast of Islay, the ruin of Dunyvaig Castle in the mild sunlight seen from Lagavulin.