MV Eilean Dhiura in the Sound of Islay


Picture of a small ferry in a sound between two islands
MV Eilean Dhiura in the Sound of Islay

Spotted from the much bigger Islay ferry, the small Jura ferry MV Eilean Dhiura crossing the Sound of Islay. If you look closely you also just spot Rhuvaal lighthouse in the distance. Not to mention Colonsay and Oronsay on the horizon.

North coast from above Bholsa caves panorama, Isle of Islay


Panoramic picture of a view from hills over a northern coastline
North coast from above Bholsa caves panorama, Isle of Islay

A view from the hills in the far north of Islay, looking over the north coast around Bholsa. Bholsa caves at the beach in the centre of the picture. Mala Bholsa in the distance on the left. If you look closely you can just make out Oronsay and Colonsay on the horizon across the sea.

Islay and Jura from Oronsay


Picture of a view from an island to two other islands, a lighthouse just visible on one of them
Islay and Jura from Oronsay

A view from the track to Oronsay farm and priory, looking over to Islay (towards the right) and Jura (towards the left). Eilean Ghaoideamal in the mid distance. If you look closely you can just make out Rhuvaal lighthouse at the far northern end of Islay right in the centre of the picture.

Picture courtesy of my sister Imke.