Two puffers at Crinan boatyard (Excursion from Islay)


Picture of two puffer ships at a small boatyard, one in the water, the other up on land
Two puffers at Crinan boatyard (Excursion from Islay)

Spotted from a RIB on the way to the famous Corryvreckan whirlpool, two puffers at the Crinan boatyard. On the right the VIC 27, Auld Reekie. On the left the VIC 32, which on her trips can occasionally be seen on Islay and Jura.

Puffer at Craighouse pier (2), Isle of Jura


Picture of a puffer ship at a small pier in a bay
Puffer at Craighouse pier (2), Isle of Jura

Another view of the puffer visiting Craighouse on Jura on a sunny June afternoon. The Paps of Jura on the left, nicely placed creels on the right.

Puffer at Craighouse pier, Isle of Jura


Picture of a puffer tied up at a small pier in a remote loch
Puffer at Craighouse pier, Isle of Jura

Once a frequent visitor to Islay and Jura, now the only ones remaining are used as cruise ships or are being lovingly restored by enthusiasts. Here a puffer is visiting Craighouse on Jura on a beautiful June afternoon. The Paps of Jura visible in the background towards the left of centre.