Bowmore, Geese and car lights, Isle of Islay


Picture of a coastal village with some geese on mud flats in front. Lights of a car visible on a road in the village
Bowmore, Geese and car lights, Isle of Islay

A view across Loch Indaal to Bowmore from the top of the loch on a November afternoon. A few geese in the foreground. The famous Round Church on the left. The lights of a car driving down Shore Street appearing on the right.

Walking the dogs in Loch Indaal (2), Isle of Islay


Picture of a couple walking their two dogs on a sea loch at low tide
Walking the dogs in Loch Indaal (2), Isle of Islay

Another take on the couple walking their dogs on Loch Indaal at low tide. This one not only includes Bowmore distillery in the background, but also the Round Church.

Uiskentuie pebbles, Loch Indaal waves and Bowmore, Isle of Islay


Picture of pebble beach with waves rolling in, a coastal village in the background on the other side of the loch
Uiskentuie pebbles, Loch Indaal waves and Bowmore, Isle of Islay

An overcast September late morning on Islay. A view from low down on Uiskentuie beach with Bowmore with the Round Church and the distillery in the background across Loch Indaal.