Port Askaig from the Sound of Islay on a November afternoon


Picture of a small coastal village with a ferry pier and linkspan, a smaller ferry at a pier
Port Askaig from the Sound of Islay on a November afternoon

A view from a ferry in the Sound of Islay, looking over Port Askaig with the ferry pier and linkspan. The much smaller Jura ferry MV Eilean Dhiura moored at the smaller pier, the Islay RNLI lifeboat on the left

Port Askaig from the pier panorama, Isle of Islay


Panoramic picture of a small ferry port from an adjacent fishing pier
Port Askaig from the pier panorama, Isle of Islay

A panoramic view of Port Askaig at the Sound of Islay, seen from the small pier of the fishing harbour. The lifeboat at its moorings on the left. The MV Isle of Arran at the main pier (although she left soon after to make space for the arriving MV Hebridean Isles) and the MV Eilean Dhiura at the small pier. The Paps of Jura in the distance on the right.

Moody November morning at the Sound of Islay


Picture of a cloudy morning with the sun just starting to break through at a sound between two islands
Moody November morning at the Sound of Islay

A moody November morning at the Sound of Islay, waiting on the ferry to depart for a day out in Jura. The Islay lifeboat (in the shade on the right) ready for its next callout.