About Armin Grewe

Visiting Islay for over 20 years, blogging and posting Islay pictures in some form for almost as long.

Orsay with the Rhinns of Islay lighthouse in beautiful June sunset light


Picture of a small close offshore island with a tall white lighthouse in some beautiful June sunset light
Orsay with the Rhinns of Islay lighthouse in beautiful June sunset light

A view from Four Winds (former Coastguard tower, now holiday cottage) on a beautiful June evening, not long before sunset. The view is south to Orsay with the impressive Rhinns of Islay lighthouse. Below you can mainly the roofs of Portnahaven. The southern end of Eilean Mhic Coinnich just visible on the right.

Colourful flowers along River Sorn in Bridgend Woods, Isle of Islay


Picture of a small river flowing between a woodland and flower meadow
Colourful flowers along River Sorn in Bridgend Woods, Isle of Islay

A June walk through Bridgend Woods, walking out through the colourful flower meadows along the River Sorn. Later I returned along the Claggan Strip.

Looking after the herds near Knockdon, Isle of Islay


Picture of a hilly landscape with two herds, one cattle and one sheep. A farming vehicle in between
Looking after the herds near Knockdon, Isle of Islay

A view from near the western end of Loch Skerrols towards Knockdon (Knockdon itself out of view on the left). Two herds of farm animals, cattle in the front, sheep slightly further back. The farmer’s van in between. I believe the hill in the background is Pairc Dhubh