Orsay with the Rhinns of Islay lighthouse in beautiful June sunset light


Picture of a small close offshore island with a tall white lighthouse in some beautiful June sunset light
Orsay with the Rhinns of Islay lighthouse in beautiful June sunset light

A view from Four Winds (former Coastguard tower, now holiday cottage) on a beautiful June evening, not long before sunset. The view is south to Orsay with the impressive Rhinns of Islay lighthouse. Below you can mainly the roofs of Portnahaven. The southern end of Eilean Mhic Coinnich just visible on the right.

Rhinns of Islay lighthouse behind rocks at Currie Sands


Picture of a lighthouse seen from behind some distant coastal rocks
Rhinns of Islay lighthouse behind rocks at Currie Sands

A different view of the Rhinns of Islay lighthouse on Orsay, here seen behind some rocks at the Currie Sands at Claddach. On the right you can also spot the foghorn.

Cows grazing “below” the Rhinns of Islay lighthouse


Picture of three cows grazing in a coastal field with a lighthouse on a small offshore island in the background
Cows grazing “below” the Rhinns of Islay lighthouse

Of course these cows are not grazing below the Rhinns of Islay lighthouse on Orsay, they are grazing in a field at Claddach with Eilean Mhic Coinnich and Orsay with the lighthouse in the background.