Starling in some seaweed at the Bay of Small Isles, Isle of Jura


Picture of a starling on some rotting seaweed on a shore
Starling in some seaweed at the Bay of Small Isles, Isle of Jura

Spotted on the shore of Jura’s Bay of Small Isles, a single Starling looking for some food (I assume. Not entirely sure what it was looking for. It was picking away in the seaweed for a while).

Seal on rocks and Skervuile lighthouse off the Isle of Jura


Picture of a large Seal on some rocks, a lighthouse visible behind the rocks
Seal on rocks and Skervuile lighthouse off the Isle of Jura

A view from the RIB on the way from Craighouse on Jura to the Corryvreckan whirlpool: A large Seal is resting on a rocky outcrop in the Bay of Small Isles, for a brief moment the Skervuile lighthouse in the Sound of Jura comes into view in a gap in the rocks.

Beinn Shiantaidh and Craighouse from the water, Isle of Jura


Picture of a scree covered mountain towering over a coastal village
Beinn Shiantaidh and Craighouse from the water, Isle of Jura

Taken not long after leaving Craighouse pier for a trip to the Corryvreckan, a view of Beinn Shiantaidh (one of the Paps of Jura) towering over the northern end of Craighouse. I was staying in the white lower cottage on the right hand side of the four cottages for a week in June 2019.