The Flying Dutchman in the Sound of Jura


Picture of the SV Flying Dutchman motoring along a sound between an island and the mainland
The Flying Dutchman in the Sound of Jura

I had hoped to see her under sail, but it wasn’t meant to be. This is the Flying Dutchman, a regular visitor to Islay and Jura, spotted in the Sound of Jura motoring north. We were on a RIB returning to Craighouse (where we had passed the Flying Dutchman when we left) from the Corrycreckan whirlpool.

Seal on rocks and Skervuile lighthouse off the Isle of Jura


Picture of a large Seal on some rocks, a lighthouse visible behind the rocks
Seal on rocks and Skervuile lighthouse off the Isle of Jura

A view from the RIB on the way from Craighouse on Jura to the Corryvreckan whirlpool: A large Seal is resting on a rocky outcrop in the Bay of Small Isles, for a brief moment the Skervuile lighthouse in the Sound of Jura comes into view in a gap in the rocks.

Skervuile lighthouse from Ardfernal Hill, Isle of Jura


Picture of a lighthouse on some low rocks out in a sound between an island and the mainland
Skervuile lighthouse from Ardfernal Hill, Isle of Jura

Skervuile lighthouse stands in the Sound of Jura between Jura and the Argyll mainland. On a clear day you can see it from the Islay ferry, but much better views can be had from Jura, like here from Ardfernal Hill.